
e there中文什么意思

发音:   用"e there"造句
  • 到那里
  • e:     E,e (pl. E's, e's ) 1. ...
  • there:    adv. 1.在那里,到那里,在那个地方。 2.在那一点 ...
  • a e:    估计; 评估; 失踪人
  • a e or:    估价员; 评税主任
  • be e:    芝麻
关注微信公众号:chachacidian,回复:e there,即可在微信中查询翻译


  1. E there is one - to - one map between the mathematical formulation and circuit realization , and that the method is systematic and suited for designing the network function with zeros and high - order filter . at last , the limitation and applied fields of the methods for realizing one - dimension cwt based on state - space log - domain filter are pointed out , it is also proved by the theoretical analysis and calculation results that the methods are suited for synthesizing the wavelet functions with very small scale or the frequence - transloction version of the mother wavelet ( with much translocation in frequence - domain )


        e:     E,e (pl. E's, e's ) 1. ...
        there:    adv. 1.在那里,到那里,在那个地方。 2.在那一点 ...
        a e:    估计; 评估; 失踪人
        a e or:    估价员; 评税主任
        be e:    芝麻
        e:     E,e (pl. E's, e's ) 1.英文字母表第五字母。 2.【音乐】E调,E音。 3.E字形。 4.〔美国〕(顺序)第五等,(成绩)“劣等”〔注意,有时E也作成绩优等 (excellent) 的符号〕。 5.=Ecstasy “摇头丸” 〔一种能使吸食者产生灵魂出窍感觉的毒品〕。
        e by s:    东偏南
        e t:    外星人e.t
        e-:    前缀 表示“出”,“出自”,“外面”,“缺”等意: eject, eradiate, escribe, edentateE-,e-pref.表示“电子的”之意:E-book电子书,E-business电子商务,E-cash电子货币,E-shopper网上购物者,e-card电子贺卡,e-journal电子杂志。
        s by e:    南偏东
        t and e:    欧洲运输和环境联合会
        as-e apthol as-e:    色酚
        di e e:    调剂,配药
        e e co:    一一工业股份有限公司
        e e industries ltd:    乙一股份有限公司
        e e product news:    电子工程产品新闻
        e prostaglandin e,pge:    前列腺素
        e to e(end to end):    全长
        e vitamin e acetate:    醋酸维生素
        e-e end-to-end:    端到端
        e-e energy transfer:    电子-电子能量传递
        e-e reaction:    红斑水肿性反应, 福谢氏反应
        e-e-an:    anastomosis]端端吻合术; 端端吻合术
        e-fear or e-depression:    网络恐惧或者网络忧郁
        e-gla fibre e:    玻璃纤维


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